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2019-2020 Registration Open

Registration for our 2019/2020 Season is NOW OPEN! Review the class schedule. You will be directed to Contemporary Dance Academy’s secure online registration system to view the class schedule and register for classes. Classes begin on August 21.

Need a new leotard or dance shoes? Our dance shop will be open the week of August 21 – hours are Monday – Thursday from 4- 6 p.m. Feel free to email us in the meantime at info@contemporarydanceacademy.com.

To register follow the steps below:

  1. Click HERE
  2. Find the tab at the top that says “CLASSES” and select “CLASS SCHEDULE”
  3. Click the “SCHEDULE” button which will direct you to your Studio Director account
  4. Login and select the classes you want
  5. Accept our updated 2019/2020 Waiver
  6. Wait for dance classes to start on August 21st!


Notes for Registration/FAQ’s:

  • Do I have to create a new Studio Director Account?
    • Although the website was re done, all of your Studio Director login, credit card, and account info should have stayed the same!
  • How do I make sure my dancer has their favorite teacher?
    • New this year: Teachers were added for all classes (with the exception of a few), so that dancers can try to get in with their favorite teachers!  If it says “CDA”, we are waiting to confirm a few new hires/current teacher schedules!
  • Why do I have to sign a new waiver?
    • All parents will be required to accept our updated 2019 Waiver which includes an updated photography policy.  You will need to accept this waiver in order to register
  • What if I forgot what Level my dancer was placed in?
    • At the end of last semester you should have received a class placement with your dancers progress report.  We will be double checking that all dancers registered for the correct levels and if you don’t remember or it was misplaced, feel free to call or email us!  Shauna will be standing by during office hours for any leveling questions (Mon: 10:00-12:00pm and Wed: 3:30-5:30pm!)
  • Schedule Changes
    • Ballet 3 on Wednesdays was changed to a new afternoon Tiny Tots 4-5 Class
    • Added a Sapphire Hip Hop on Saturdays for dancers ages 12+
  • What level Tap and Hip Hop is correct for my dancer?
    • See level breakdown below:

Age/Level Breakdown (Ages as of Sept 1)

Levels 1-3/Ruby Tap/Ruby Hip Hop (Ages 5-8)

Levels 4-6/Emerald Tap/Emerald Hip Hop (Ages 9-11)

Levels 7-8/Sapphire Hip Hop (Ages 12+)

**Jazz and Jazz/Lyrical Levels should correspond with Ballet Levels!  (Ex: Ballet 2 dancers should register for Jazz 2)

**Reminder for Recreational classes (Levels 1-8) that Ballet is required for everything except Hip Hop!