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April Newsletter

Lots of news for April! Please read through to the end. As always, thank you for your continued support of CDA. Please feel free to email info@contemporarydanceacademy.com with any questions you may have.

1) TUITION:  April tuition was processed yesterday, Monday, April 1st.  You don’t need to do anything for this unless you received an email stating that your tuition could not be processed.
2) SUMMER ENROLLMENT OPEN NEXT WEEK: Summer intensive and class registration will open next MONDAY, APRIL 8TH at noon! We will be emailing out all of the information on dates of classes and camps by the end of this week, so be sure to check your schedules and register quick because they do fill up fast!  We will have summer camps and weekly classes for all ages and levels and are a great way to keep your dancer active this summer, allow them to try new styles, and get a jump-start on the next season!

3) RECITAL COSTUMES AND TIGHTS: We have been trying on and handing out recital costumes as they have been coming in but some will not be here until right before dress rehearsal. This is a friendly reminder to please keep the costumes stored away safely until the show so they do not get damaged. We will be emailing out class specific shoes and tights needed for each class this month, but please be sure to have tights and correct shoes ordered and ready to go by dress rehearsal (Friday May 17th for Tiny Tots and Saturday, May 18th for Wizard of Oz).  All of this is sold in our dance store!

4) RECITAL DRESS REHEARSALS AND PHOTOS: Specific times will be sent out shortly but please reserve the entire time block for your dancers dress rehearsal and photo day:
Friday, May 17th- Tiny Tot/Performance Team Dress Rehearsal and Photo Day (4:00pm-7:00pm)
Saturday, May 18th- Wizard of Oz (Levels 1-8 and Fast Track) Dress Rehearsal and Photo day at CDA (1:00pm-7:00pm)
Friday, May 24th- Wizard of Oz Dress Rehearsal at Lincoln Center (4:00pm-9:00pm)

5) RECITAL TICKETS AND INFO: We are excited to announce that this year, we will have 2 different Spring shows.  We will be putting on two performances of our rendition of “Wizard of Oz”, and our Tiny Tot and Performance Team will be dancing in “Our Little Stars”.  Tickets for all of these shows will go on sale Wednesday, April 17th at noon!  **NOTE:  DANCERS AGES 5-11 WILL MOST LIKELY ONLY BE IN ONE SHOW! SEE SHOW BREAKDOWN BELOW TO CONFIRM WHAT SHOW YOUR DANCERS CLASS IS IN SO YOU DONT BUY TICKETS FOR THE WRONG PERFORMANCE!**

You can visit LCTIX.com or call the Lincoln Center Box office at 970-221-6730.  All tickets are reserved seating so be sure to get yours fast!  Below are the specific show details to send out to family and friends!

Event Title: Contemporary Dance Academy Presents: Wizard of Oz
Location: Lincoln Center Performance Hall (417 W Magnolia St Fort Collins, CO 80521)
Date: Saturday, May 25th at 2:00pm and 7:00pm
Tickets: LCTIX.com or Box Office at 970-221-6730
Price: $18 regular, $15 children 12 and under, Infant comps available

Event Title: Contemporary Dance Academy Presents: Our Little Stars
Location: Lincoln Center Magnolia Hall (417 W Magnolia St Fort Collins, CO 80521)
Date: Saturday, June 1st at 2:00pm
Tickets: LCTIX.com or Box Office at 970-221-6730
Price: $12 regular, $10 children 12 and under, Infant comps available

2:00 Show Classes and Role
Ballet 1 Mon Mimi Rainbow
Ballet 1 Tues Mimi Peeps
Ballet 1 Wed Bailey Bubbles
Ballet 1 Thurs Gillian Spell Bound
Ballet 1 Sat Gillian Rotten Apples
Ballet 3 Tues Bailey Munchkins
Ballet 3 Thurs Mimi Witch’s Guard
Ballet 5 Thurs Mimi Emeralds
Ballet 6 Wed/Fri Tamara Lynn Flowers
Ballet 7 Tues Bailey Milk Maidens
Ballet 8 Mon Mimi Hot Air Balloon Farewell
Ballet 8 Thurs Annalise Forest
Jazz 1 Thurs Jalaina Lions
Jazz 3 Tues Jalaina Ruby Slippers
Jazz/Lyrical 5 Wed Maggie No Place I’d Rather Be
Jazz/Lyrical 7/8 Tues Jalaina Dream
Ruby Hip Hop Tues Jalaina Emerald City Production
Emerald Hip Wed Jalaina Emerald City Production
Sapphire Hip Hop Tues Jalaina Emerald City Production

7:00 Show Classes and Role
Ballet 2 Mon Mimi Rainbow
Ballet 2 Tues Mimi Peeps
Ballet 2 Wed Bailey Munchkins
Ballet 2 Thurs Bailey Bubbles
Ballet 2 Sat Gillian Rotten Apples
Ballet 3 Wed Annalise Spellbound
Ballet 4 Mon Audrey Witch’s Guard
Ballet 5 Wed Bailey Emeralds
Ballet 6 Wed/Fri Tamara Lynn Flowers
Ballet 7 Tues Bailey Milk Maidens
Ballet 8 Mon Mimi Hot Air Balloon Farewell
Ballet 8 Thurs Annalise Forest
Jazz 2 Wed Maggie Lions
Jazz/Lyrical 4 Mon Audrey Ruby Slippers
Jazz/Lyrical 6 Wed Maggie No Place I’d Rather Be
Jazz/Lyrical 7/8 Tues Jalaina Dream
Ruby Hip Hop Sat Jalaina Emerald City Production
Emerald Hip Hop Sat Jalaina Emerald City Production
Sapphire Hip Hop Tues Jalaina Emerald City Production

6) LOST AND FOUND: The Lost and Found will be donated at the end of April so please be sure to check it in the next few weeks to make sure your dancer doesn’t have anything in there!

7) PARENT OBSERVATION WEEKS: This year, we will be holding Parent Observations for Ballet and Hip Hop the week of April 29th-May 4th and observations for Jazz, Lyrical, and Tiny Tots May 6th – May 11th.  For Ballet, Hip Hop, and Jazz/Lyrical, parents will be able to observe the full class and get a sneak peak of your dancers recital dances and Tiny Tot observations will be held the last 15 minutes of their regular scheduled class time.  At this observation, we will be handing out class placements for next year, specific recital info (dress rehearsal times, call times, hair and make-up info), etc., so it is important to have at least one parent or guardian present.

Important Upcoming Dates:
April 29th- May 4th: In-Class Ballet and Hip Hop Parent Observations
May 6th-11th: In-Class Jazz, Lyrical, and Tiny Tot Parent Observations
May 17th: Tiny Tot Dress Rehearsal and Photo Day (Performance Team Photo Day as well)
May 18th: Wizard of Oz Dress Rehearsal at CDA and Photo Day
May 24th: Wizard of Oz Dress Rehearsal at Lincoln Center
May 25th: Wizard of Oz Performances at Lincoln Center (2pm and 7pm)
May 31st: 2019/2020 Fast Track Auditions
June 1st: Tiny Tot and Performance Team Performances at Lincoln Center